Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Doc McStuffins
Season 1 (2012)

Just when I was ready to throw in the towel when it came to the Disney Channel Doc McStuffins came along and restored my faith.  She’s a miracle worker, that Doc!  I had heard of this Disney Junior show, about a little girl who serves as a doctor to broken toys that come to life around her.  It’s a cute premise and this plucky show really delivered with this Halloween episode.

It’s Halloween and the good doctor and her dad are working on their annual haunted living room display.  Even Doc’s toys are getting in the act by wearing costumes.  But when a pumpkin with a motion-detecting ghost inside malfunctions, Doc McStuffins takes it to her clinic (a playhouse in the backyard) to work her medical magic.

Once the Doc brings the adorable little ghost to life it’s revealed that he was frightened by the Halloween decorations and so is hiding out inside the pumpkin.  Doc McStuffins brings the decorations, including a witch and some hanging spiders, to life in order to show the ghost that they are friendly and it’s all in good fun. The witch reminds me of the motorized witch seen in Home Improvement-- except now with the added bonus of sentience!  All my Halloween dreams are coming true!  Anyhoo, the ghost gets into the spirit of things and everyone comes together to spook visiting trick-or-treaters.
Ghost or dollop of delicious frozen yogurt?  Either way I'm sold.
Loved it!  I loved the toy characters and I loved that the Halloween decorations came alive and conversed.  Basically this show is my childhood brought to life, in which I assigned personalities and developed friendships with every inanimate object I came across.  I named every stuffed animal I ever owned and rotated which ones got to sleep at the head of the bed so no one’s feelings would be hurt.  And unpacking our Halloween decorations every year was like being reunited with old friends. 

My only complaint was with the voice actress chosen for the Doc.  The actress is 14 and she sounds like it, with no attempt made to make her sound more childlike.  So it was a bit weird to see this animated little girl talking to her dad in a sort of womanly voice.  Other than that, Doc McStuffins really nails that sense of imagination that kids infuse the world with, especially around the holidays.

And I discovered that there is a dollhouse playset and it is so going on my 2013 Christmas Wish List!
It will be mine!
Halloween Quotient: 4

See It, Skip It, Own It?
This was so charming that it’s worth owning and watching yearly—here’s hoping there’s a Christmas episode!

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